Don’t Be Afraid Dear England…

Don’t be afraid, dear England,
For Muslims are not your fell foes
Allah reminds us we’re travellers
The news in our hearts, Allah knows
Don’t be afraid, dear England,
Us Muslims, we don’t want your land
The east and the west are from Allah
All nations are built upon sand
Don’t be alarmed, dear Britons,
Us Muslims can never replace you,
We’re sons and daughters of Adam
So prejudice shouldn’t abase you
But do be aware, our dear English,
That we say that God is just One
Muhammad is His final prophet
We all will be judged near the sun
But even if you don’t believe us
God is your judge, not our selves
You are then free to develop,
To wonder, imagine, and delve
There is no compulsion in believing
We all will return to the One
So we try to follow our Prophets
Before all this life is undone
Dear English and all you dear Gaelics,
Feel free to imagine your selves
But know that while our way is different
We pray for you heaven, not hell
So don’t be afraid of us Muslims
Even the extremists and quacks
But don’t be so fixed on your nations,
One day God will take it all back ….

(A response to the riots of August, 2024)

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