By Novid Shaid, Ramadan, 2010
O You, who love to demonize
our Prophet, Nabi Muhammad,
know this:
that we love him more
than you love your own identities.
O You, who love to satirize
our master, Nabi Muhammad,
know this:
that just our eulogies of him
are enough to fill your libraries.
O You who seek to stigmatise
our leader, Nabi Muhammad,
know this:
however much you put him down
our Lord increases him in nobility.
Oh You who are horrified
by our devotion to Nabi Muhammad,
know this:
that he lives in our dreams
and appears before our very eyes.
Oh You, who love to vilify
the life of Nabi Muhammad,
know this:
that some of us shed tears
by just the mention of his memory.
Oh You, who love to trivialise
our mentor, Nabi Muhammad
know this:
that we instil his acts
we pay homage to his reality.
Oh You, who seek to criticise
our love for Nabi Muhammad,
know this:
that we are helplessly in love
indifferent to your modernity.
Oh You, who seek to neutralise
our love for Nabi Muhammad,
know this:
that were you to offer us immortality
just a glance of him would be our sufficiency.
Oh You, who will never rationalise
our love for Nabi Muhammad,
know this:
were you to wipe us off the face of the earth
our dust would drift to warm Madinah.