On Elections

The dunya spoke to me once in a dream:

“If you choose me, I’ll make your life serene

The benefits I’ll bring you won’t believe!

Don’t listen to those others who deceive!

I’ll end the wars and make your troubles go

Borders will be safe; money will flow,

I promise you more money in your pockets

The chance to build a world without the rockets

All I need is that you play your part

And choose me in the ballot of your heart.”

And so I crossed the dunya on the slip

Four years elapsed, things did not change one bit

And then the dunya called me once again

Dressed up in gold and handing me a pen

“If you choose me, you won’t regret this night

I will be better than before, all right!?”

The salesmen of the dunya come and go

Buy from them sceptically, heed not the show…

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