The Meeting

By Novid Shaid, September, 2010

Innamaa hadhihi hayaatu mataa’ – “verily this life is full of struggles”- Young Fata to Dhun Nun Al Misri– Kitab Ul Futuwwa

Abadan tahinnu ilaykumu arwah – “forever do the spirits find rest with You” – Imam Shihaabudeen Suhwardi

When I was a restless youth

And my heart was searching for truth

A chance meeting transformed me

And I was born again, weeping like a baby.


It was as I roamed and strode

Through the streets, heaving in a state of overload

My head was grinding and saturated

With worldly worries and grasping faces.


And the world seemed dangerous and malicious

Talk and gazes looked so vicious

About the things that I believed

People burned my book of dreams.


Then I caught a glimpse of him

And I couldn’t help but wince,

At the light which shone so bright

Right on through to a paradise.


He stood, helpless, back to the wall

surrounded by these menacing Neanderthals

who jostled, poked and sniggered,

laughing at his clumsy clothes and rough condition.


And though I was hesitant and afraid

These boys had cruelty written all over their gazes

I couldn’t stop myself from saving

him, the lights pulled me in, amazing.


And when I stood before these guys,

without warning, they dematerialised.

And now I stood before his eyes.

I drowned in a sea of light, and cried.


He stood silent for a while

Handing me a cloth for my tears to dry.

Then he looked deep in my eyes

And sang to me these unforgettable lines:


“I’m a poor man on the road

I live without abode

Only scraps are good enough for me

Few desire to speak with me.


But when Your sun rose in my life

And Your moon reflects Your light

The warmth eases my pain

And pure cheer graces my days.


And when I meet Your special friends

Oh the joy and hope they bring

As we sing about Your light

While this aging world staggers by.


So take the rough and tumble on the chin

Fear not of people and their din

For this life is hope and fear,

The pain rides with the cheer.”


Then he left and I never saw him again

But the anguish was cleared from my head.

And I saw things as they are

Lights engulfed me, spectacular.


Now I roam on through this life

With energetic children and busy wife.

Leaning on each other for motivation

Sometimes suffering the trials and tribulations.


But every now and then, we cry,

With tears of joy and heavy sighs

The lights of heaven shine and glisten

And I can’t help but stop and sing:


“I’m a poor man on the road

I live without abode

Only scraps are good enough for me

Few desire to speak with me.


But when Your sun rose in my life

And Your moon reflects Your light

The warmth eases my pain

And pure cheer graces my days.


And when I meet Your special friends

Oh the joy and hope they bring

As we sing about Your light

While this aging world staggers by.


So take the rough and tumble on the chin

Fear not of people and their din

For this life is hope and fear,

The pain rides with the cheer.”

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