Hamra the Jinn, the scourge of men and women in the night!
If you have been an evil one, she has you in her sights!
She wears a chador darker than a plummeting black hole
Her eyes are redder than the churning rocks and burning coals
Her fangs are sharper than the canine teeth within a wolf
Her nails are firmer than the claws of Grendel from Beowulf
Her face more mesmerising than the princesses of old
Her voice can pacify the weak, and terrify the trolls
She haunts the night, and sniffs the air for all the evil ones
The dealers and the pimps and all the violent, lazy bums
The nasty hags; the cold, conniving, calculating queens
The older ones who trap the young in incidents obscene
Hamra the Jinn; she always wins, no one can shirk her chase
The darkest soul cannot conceive she’s there before his face
From Kanadhar, to Zanzibar, to Cairo and Tehran
From London, Paris, Marrakesh, to Dakar and Amman
She rides the winds; she skims the seas; she roams the spinning earth
She lurks in all the corners where she finds the people worst
One day she lit upon a human trafficker from Prague
Who liked to beat the women he had hidden in his yard;
The cries of these afflicted souls echoed in Hamra’s ears
They drew her, like a tiger drawn by scent of grazing deer
She watched as this monstrosity tormented these women
And then she wrapped him in her chador for his ugly sins
She drained him drier than the hay that feeds the hungry horse
When Hamra had finished with him, he was a walking corpse
Another job, she heard the sobs from flats in Tel Aviv
A woman liked to burn her son to put herself at ease
And one night, after deceiving police, with gloating pride,
She went to bed, and turned to see Hamra was by her side
The eyes blood red filled her with dread; the woman lost her nerve
Confessing all her nastiness; a sentence she would serve
Another time an operator of the killer drones
Was sniggering because his bombs had wiped out mountain homes
And when he strolled the streets alone, deep in the folding night
He came upon her hungry eyes which pierced him with a fright
No sleep would cast upon his eyes except he saw her face
Digging into his inner core; his life had lost its taste
Hamra the jinn, she always wins, no one can shirk her chase
But when she sees a kind person, she gives a warm embrace
The wife-beaters, the child-beaters, now inwardly implore
For mercy from the sight of Hamra slipping through their doors
So, here’s a warning for us all, when we’re about to rage
On individuals weaker, or are vulnerable in age
Remember that the cries for help will summon Hamra’s eyes
To you she may remain unseen, although materialised
She’ll work on you; she’ll shadow you; she’ll make your living hell
So, think about this carefully and those with whom you dwell…
Hamra the Jinn, the scourge of men and women in the night!
If you have been an evil one, she has you in her sights!