I’m better than him
It’s in the genes
Khalaqtanee min naarin
Wa khalaqtahu min teen
I’m better than him
It’s in the genes
He drives a bus
I got a PHD.
I’m better than him
It’s in the genes
He hails from the third world
I’m related to the Queen.
I’m better than her
It’s in the genes
She grew up in a flat
I was raised with prestige.
I’m better than her
It’s in the genes
Her father is a guard
My father’s a marine.
We’re better than them
It’s in the genes
We’re a civilised folk
Their culture’s obscene.
We’re better than them
It’s in the genes
Our race has evolved
Their race is naive.
I’m better than him
It’s in the genes
Khalaqtanee min naarin
Wa khalaqtahu min teen
(Chorus based on Quranic verses: Suratul A’raf/Chapter of The Heights- 7:12: The devil’s explanation to Allah about not bowing to Adam (as): “I am better than him; You created me from fire, while You created him from clay.”)