Seeking Knowledge

By Novid Shaid, 1997


All knowledge worth seeking

is like a never-ending dining table

covered with wholesome food.

Some stand gobbling wantonly

Wanting everything at once

While others only nibble

Their taste buds hardly aroused.

Pray let us sit at the table

With attention to manners and grace

Then let us dine with peace and patience

So we can enjoy the full measure of the taste.

Video: Commentary of this poem with Ustadh Mohammed Ali Moazzam from Lahore

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About Novid Shaid

I am a Muslim writer and English teacher. I have written poetry, short stories, a play, and I am currently working on a novella. My subject matter and themes are related to Islam, Sufism, politics and also my job as a secondary school teacher. My work is copyrighted and any works published here may not used or copied without my prior consent. You can contact me via the "Contact Me" page, if you wish to use any these writings. I am keen to gain the notice of publishers and if any are interested in my writings, please contact me via the "Contact Me" page. Was salaam, Peace

One thought on “Seeking Knowledge

  1. Salam alaykum.
    Would you be willing to share a short explanation of this poem, which I am planning to use in my introductory English class with grade 5 students?
    I have my own interpretation of it, but it would be helpful to have your thoughts as well.
    Thank you.

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