The Lights of the Sun, the Moon and the Hearts

By Novid Shaid, 2011


(based on a poem attributed to Rabia Al Adawiyya, “Ya Habeeb al qulub”)


O You, who created the dazzling light of the sun,

which fills the sky at dawn with a mesmerising crimson complexion,

and grows in height and strength until it scales its zenith

beaming down from way on high, illuminating and majestic.

O You, who casts the lustrous light of the moon,

which pervades the night sky with a radiant attitude.

And when the moon reveals its whole blooming face,

The darkened sky displays an image of such heavenly grace

But, alas, the lights of the sun and moon ebb and abate,

Each knowing full well, that their lights daily terminate.

O You, who composed our heavenly spheres with Your sheer power

How strange it is that the lights in the hearts of Your awliya,

which may be clothed in skin and cells, aging and ailing,

the lights of their hearts grow brighter, each moment, intensifying.

The sun and moon of the sky shine bright but are destined to fade,

While the hearts of the awliya glow with a light that proliferates.

O You who casts Your light deep in their breasts,

Guide us to their lights, make them manifest.



Awilya: Arabic plural noun meaning the friends/saints of God.

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About Novid Shaid

I am a Muslim writer and English teacher. I have written poetry, short stories, a play, and I am currently working on a novella. My subject matter and themes are related to Islam, Sufism, politics and also my job as a secondary school teacher. My work is copyrighted and any works published here may not used or copied without my prior consent. You can contact me via the "Contact Me" page, if you wish to use any these writings. I am keen to gain the notice of publishers and if any are interested in my writings, please contact me via the "Contact Me" page. Was salaam, Peace

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