A murid called his sage with yearning eyes
“Show me the secrets of your enterprise…”
“Okay,” the sage replied, “let it be told
With this spade that I give you dig a hole
And dig until you find the quenching water
Then drown in it your vices and their daughters
When you are pure and washed, prepare your eyes
For the boundless secrets of our enterprise.”
The shaykh led the murid to a special pit
And showed the spade and how to dig with it
“Keep digging for the water, don’t give up
Don’t let the fiends of doubt your hopes disrupt!”
And so the seeker dug on through the day
And through the night without any dismay
But as the days went on although he cried
No water came although he tried and tried
The shaykh appeared again, “Keep digging my dear friend
The deeper that you dig, the deeper your great end!”
And on the final day murid was really straining
The shaykh arrived to beautify this training
“Have you discovered water yet my son?
Have you tasted the water of the One?”
The murid cried with anguish, “my dear Shaykh!
I’ve dug without success my heart it really aches!”
And then the Shaykh so soft were his deep eyes
Some wondrous tears appeared light and divine
Each tear fell in the hole with the murid
In just a glance it filled up to his knees
And then below the earth gave way and bled
Fresh water merged with tears the sage had shed
The murid dived and bathed in flowing water
The secrets of the way in his soul’s quarters
And now a hole murid had strained to dig
Was like a lake refreshing, clear and big!
The murid returned to shore with his sage smiling
“My son you’ve found something so enterprising
But if you dug deeper for Allah’s sake
You would have found His ocean, not just a lake!”
For Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller, may Allah bless him
A beautiful reminder of what Sheikh Nuh gives his Murids if only we but listen and keep trying.