Watch out for the Ramadan parker…
Fear you of the Ramadan parker…
Coz he parks and he’s got no senses
Doesn’t matter if he drives an Avensis!
In the car park, right last minute
Sensibly, all the cars are in it,
He will block all the paths and exit
Consideration, you can forget it!
Parks in fronts of a granny’s drive, brand new
On the road, ambulance can’t get through
He don’t care coz he thinks he’s pious
Even though now he’s caused a riot!
Charlie once was a Ramadan parker
Just the sight of his car stopped laughter
Worst nightmare of every committee
Every mosque up and down the city
One night he had a true nightmare
Woke to find he was parked in nowhere
Everywhere that he drove, no exit
Felt alone, like the UK Brexit!
Then he heard a voice from the speakers
Felt the fear and the awe and the creepers
Said the voice, “Allah loves to mention
When you act, do it with perfection!”
Charlie woke, found his car was blocking
Someone’s drive, and he found this shocking
So he chose and from then thereafter
That he’d be a true Ramadan parker!
From this day, even if he was late
He would park far away from the mosque gate
Coz he didn’t want stress or pester
Any soul, whether Muslim or jester
Coz he learned that Muslim works smart
Fear and love of the Lord is his art
So this year be a true Ramadan Parker
Prophetic Sunnah is your one true marker
Ramadan 1446/2025