Remember To Read The Instructions

by Novid Shaid, 2004


In a place you might know

Not a long while ago

There lived a young fellar named Nigel.


He possessed a wry grin

And a stubbly chin

And his friends would savour his arrival


He loved to impress

He yearned to express

Every joke he had heard from his cousin.


A joker, a clown

Never seen with a frown

Nigel was surely one in a dozen.


Well the day had arrived

Which brought joy to his eyes

And some pride to his bold appearance


No it wasn’t a date

With a girl until late

But two full weeks of work experience.


Donned in suit and a tie

With a large custard pie

From his mum who had driven him barmy


Nigel strolled towards

A place known to all

The headquarters of the territorial army.


When he got there he found

A terrible frown

Upon the face of the secretary.


With a heart-piercing stare

She told him: “You were

Supposed to come dressed casually”.


Nigel cried

Dropped his pie

Momentarily his brain failed to function.

Then he sighed

And realised

He hadn’t read the instructions.


So the woman explained

That he’d have to get changed

Before he could take on his duties.


He’d have to go quick

Back to home in a tick

Said the woman who wasn’t half snooty.


And off Nigel went

Without a comment

He was desperate to work with the big boys


With his shining new suit

And his polished cool boots

Now his worry had consumed his joy.


His home was not far

When he heard from afar

The flutter of low flying pigeons


They were out in full force

They were holding their course

Steadily in Nigel’s direction.


Nigel upped his pace

Sweat smearing his face

Within he could sense some foreboding


But before he could chip

The pigeons let rip

And his suit was engulfed in their droppings.


He went stiff

Then caught a whiff

For a minute his nose didn’t function

Then he sighed

Out he cried

“I wish I had read the instructions”.


So Nigel reached home

To a moan and a groan

The pie, suit and shoes terribly ruined


He threw on his shirt

Jeans and trainers for work

While his mum’s disappointment was brewing


Nigel made a deal

With himself for real

To start every task with some caution


To read the advice

And instructions all twice

And understand with appreciation.


So that was my tale

About a young male

That charming, bold, hopeful called Nigel


When you start your pursuit

Save yourself a good suit

And remember to read the instructions!

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