Confessions Of A Phone Addict

Oh help me please, I’m an addict!

I’m suffering, all alone

It’s not some drugs or the cigarettes

I just can’t get off my phone!

When my wife is in the bathroom

And my kids are in their zones

The sun may be calling out my name

But I can’t get off my phone!

When at work, my boss is busy

Or I’m returning to my home

While the world moves on and looks away

I delve back into my phone.

I can’t get off my phone, my friend!

I can’t get off my phone!

The pull is strong,

The apps are long,

I can’t get off my phone!

A comet may be shimmering by

In the sky, like a bright gemstone

But I would rather gaze at it

Through the camera on my phone

When it’s time for supper and family

And my chair is offered like a throne

While my family chews and chomps away

On my lap, I glance at my phone

The news is ever ready

The apps are all well-known

I’m always caught in the internet

In the wine bottle of my phone

In the morning she wakes me up

She never leaves me alone

She’s begun to resemble my loving wife!

I just can’t get off my phone!

In fact, now my loving children

My family and my home,

The sun, the moon, the stars, the seas,

They all look like my precious phone!

I can’t get off my phone, my friend!

I can’t get off my phone!

The pull is strong,

The apps are long,

I can’t get off my phone.

I know it’s an addiction

More entrenched than a hormone

It’s become like one my internal organs

I can’t live without my phone

And now the addiction’s had its way

I think I’ll live all alone

I’ll go to a cave and just live there

With my beloved, precious phone.

So beware my friend if she calls you

Beware her apps and drones

Beware the androids and tempting apples

They’ll make you adore your phone

I wish I could stare at the boundless sky

And smell a flower’s cologne

I wish I could picture the refreshing seas

Without the senses of my phone

I wish I could look at the eyes of my wife

And my children’s funny cheekbones

I wish I could live and breathe without

The desire to stare at my phone.

I can’t get off my phone, my friend!

I can’t get off my phone!

The pull is strong,

The apps are long,

I can’t get off my phone.


Poet’s Note: No apples or androids were harmed during the production of this poem

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About Novid Shaid

I am a Muslim writer and English teacher. I have written poetry, short stories, a play, and I am currently working on a novella. My subject matter and themes are related to Islam, Sufism, politics and also my job as a secondary school teacher. My work is copyrighted and any works published here may not used or copied without my prior consent. You can contact me via the "Contact Me" page, if you wish to use any these writings. I am keen to gain the notice of publishers and if any are interested in my writings, please contact me via the "Contact Me" page. Was salaam, Peace

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