They Will Live On

By Novid Shaid
For the martyred innocents of the Arab Spring
They will live on and thrive
Dressed in the raiment of true freedom
Dwelling where they please without pain or fear
They will live on and prosper
Untouchable, undisturbed
Forever young and free, resplendent
Gazing at the beatific vision
Which sends their hearts into a state of unimaginable bliss
Extinguishing all the memories
And the surge of marching boots
Breaking their thresholds
Barking orders, bearing down, raging eyes.
And no state or spies will ever find them
For they sought to ensnare bodies and minds
And they revelled in their power
In the fear that they inspired in the innocents
But spirits are always free
And now they live on,
For those who sought to live
Will always live on
And those who seek to stifle life
Their spirits are already dead.
Oh Lord, bless the innocents for You are ever Kind
And protect those who fear in these dangerous times.

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