Shade Us By Your Throne, O Lord

When the Sun is two bows’ length,
When the heat will not subside


Shade us by Your Throne, O Lord
Shade us by Your Throne.


On the day the Horn erupts
While the living ones devise


Shade us by Your throne O Lord,
Shade us by Your throne.


When the Trump is blown again
And the souls are unified,
On the day the Trump summons
All that are and all that were,
Naked, sweating, trembling
None can flee the summoning,


Shade us by Your throne O Lord
Shade us by Your throne.


When all stand upon the plain
And there’s nowhere left to run
Not a tree to shrink behind
Not a crack to crawl into,


Shade us by Your throne O Lord
Shade us by Your throne.


When the lords and the paupers

Are standing equal side by side

When the wild and the jinn

Are still and silent by our sides,


Shade us by Your Throne O lord
Shade us by Your Throne.


When our nakedness won’t shame us
As we’re weighing up in vain,
Some are crawling on their bellies
Faces drag bodies along


Shade us by Your throne O Lord
Shade us by Your throne.


When the Sun is on our heads,
And the perspiration floods,
Some are drowning in their sweat
For the sins they had amassed,


Shade us by Your throne O Lord
Shade us by Your throne.


When the heavens rend asunder
Flowing silver and yellow
When the heaven’s molten copper
And the mountain’s carded wool


Shade us by Your throne O Lord
Shade us by Your throne.


When our mothers have renounced us
And our children won’t come near
And our friends have all dispersed
As they have other pressing cares,


Shade us by Your throne O Lord
Shade us by Your Throne.


When there’s no one left to turn to
When there’s no-where left to run


Shade us by Your Throne O Lord
Shade us by Your Throne.


When the Sun is two bows’ length
When the heat will not subside,


Shade us by Your Throne O Lord,
Shade us by Your Throne.

Novid Shaid, 2002, Copyright

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About Novid Shaid

I am a Muslim writer and English teacher. I have written poetry, short stories, a play, and I am currently working on a novella. My subject matter and themes are related to Islam, Sufism, politics and also my job as a secondary school teacher. My work is copyrighted and any works published here may not used or copied without my prior consent. You can contact me via the "Contact Me" page, if you wish to use any these writings. I am keen to gain the notice of publishers and if any are interested in my writings, please contact me via the "Contact Me" page. Was salaam, Peace

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