The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold… The Destruction of Sennacherib: Lord Byron
The hordes of Quraysh, like a dust storm, arose
And their cohorts were cursing and lining in rows
And the sheen of their spears like the candles that burn
In the idols of Makkah which stand taciturn
Like the palms in the desert when oases are fresh
The army stood furnished; for battle well-dressed
Like the grains in the desert which scatter and fall
That host in the noon light retreated forlorn
For the Angels of Justice, with three fighting winds
Of a thousand combatants, cruelty to rescind
And the eyes of these angels came down on Quraysh
Some stricken with horror and fear in disgrace
And woe to Walid and Shaybah and Utba
Vanquished by Ali, Ubaydah and Hamza
And there lay the pharaoh, the staunch Abu Jahl
Abdullah, the reader, beheaded him well
And there lay the pebbles, which flew at Quraysh
When Ahmed recited: impaired be their faces!
This army from Makkah quashed by the unseen
A thousand were crushed by three hundred thirteen
And the widow of Jahl; despaired and bewailed
And the idols of Makkah unsteady and frail
And the might of Quraysh; severed deep by the sword;
Had melted like sunset, by Mustafa’s Lord
Allahumma Salli wa sallim wa baarik alaiyhi wa alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim