Ramadan Poem

by Novid Shaid, August, 2010

When the crescent revealed its heavenly smile

The spirit of Layla suddenly brushed past me.

I stood entranced as she whispered in my ear

Give up your food and water just for me

And shed your sins, and multiply your prayers

Then I will follow you wherever you may go,

I’ll breathe a breeze of love into your heart,

Be still and remember I am your special friend.

The Feasts Of Ramadan

By Novid Shaid, 1997


Rumbling bellies, parched mouths,

Searing scents wafting from our breaths,

Empty lunch trays, dizzy spells.

These familiar images appeared in our heads

as our Maulvi announced the good news

the sighting of the moon

and the beginning of a blessed month.

We braced ourselves

and prepared our minds, envisaging

Thirty days of fasting,

our stomachs hollow from dawn to dusk.

We knew the feeling,

our Mothers’ gentle nudges before dawn,

our early cups of tea and large breakfasts,

And that solemn utterance of signing our fast,

“And I intend to fast tomorrow”.

We could see ahead,

The anticipation for the setting sun,

The heavenly feeling

of mango juice coating our abandoned throats,

The community united in the mosque for Taraweeh prayer,

The rowdy lot sniggering in the back rows,

The marathon rakats on Layla Tul Qadr,

Oh and of course our prize at the finish line

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