If you can unmask the masquerade
Of life and its illusions
then you have overcome, in truth,
all obstacles of existence.
If you can see the light of God
shimmering through every moment
there’s no-one that can equal you
in this entire existence.
If others sit wrapped in their minds
ensnared by their devices
and you sit free and face your Lord
you’ve triumphed over all existence.
If you can push aside the noise
of people and their distractions
and see your Lord through their demands
you’ve conquered all existence.
If you can find, when calamities
spin through your life like whirlwinds,
the pre-eternal light of God,
you’re a gem of this existence.
If you can find infinite stillness
when people around run riot
and find the One who truly lives
you’ve uncovered the secret of existence.
If you can face your death with peace
and recognize your frailty
then you become the triumphant one
of life and this existence.
If you can purge your heart of love
for fame and notoriety
and prefer to seek the light of God
you’re elevated over all existence.
If you can make your goals for Him
and act with true intentions
the world bends, bowing at your feet
you’re the master of existence.
If you can make your heart a slave
to Him, while others imagine
they’re masters of their own destinies,
He makes you King of all existence.
O Lord when this world overcomes
our minds and our motivations
make us discern Your Reality
encompassing all existence
And peace be on the messenger
and blessings without concession
who, if we ever met him now,
would revive our whole existence.