This story will confound you through and through
A CEO fell for a poor majzoob
She was the founder of a beauty brand
He lived on streets and hung around the strands
She worked so hard to build her own empire
The presence of Allah his only desire
She’d made enough money for long lifetimes
He slept in rags whilst witnessing the Divine
She had been scarred by handsome parasites
His only fear to lose dear Allah’s sight
And so one day, next to the riverbank
The CEO strolled by, with workers flanked
And so along this path, the majzoob staggered
Drunk with Allah, and looking rather haggard
These two conundrums met by the streaming water
The CEO took off her sunglasses and faltered
And though the crazy guy appeared offensive
She saw in his deep eyes a beauty intensive
Taken aback by wonder so supreme
Which shone in eyes that never touched eye cream
Inside a voice said to her, “He’s the one…”
And she was drawn like moths unto the sun
Discarding all her aides and pompery
She said to him: “you’re the one for me!”
The majzoob stilled himself and shook his head
Then chose to give her some advice instead:
“You’ll never find true peace in just a man…
Flee to Allah and take Mustafa’s kind hands
I’m not the one; Allah is One, you see…
Through Him be rich, and vanish in His seas…”
And whilst these two engaged in reverie
An aide piped up: “are such positions open for me?”