I’m A Muslim Man In Britain



I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien. Sting            


This is what I think it means to be a British Muslim today, who was born and bred in England but hailed from immigrant parents. To have an eclectic medley of voices swirling around in your brain. Living and constantly shifting between different worlds, religions, languages, cultures, traditions and voices, all competing for some kind of hold on your identity, on your spirit, your will. All this baggage, mixed-loyalties, competing face masks and fashions stuffed into a short-lived life, which, for many of us, typically consists of home, school, mosque and holidays to Pakistan and the holy lands or whichever country you hail from.

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When I Tasted Their Tears

I wrote this poem in response to this moving footage of the Abu Shaar brothers’ visitation of the blessed resting place of Imam Al Hussain in Cairo, may Allah sanctify his secret. I am exploring the possible reaction of a twisted mind, if it was among the audience…



When I tasted their tears

my heart never recovered

I felt the love that touched their souls

that moved these blessed brothers.


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The Living And The Dead

In honour of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq’s maqam in Misrata.


“Knock it! Burn it! Pulverise it to the ground!”

They cheered uncovering Az Zarruq’s mound.

“In the name of pure and unadulterated tawheed

We cleanse this wretched house of idolatry!

For Allah’s deen this is a clear victory!

And may God curse those who make this dead man their deity!


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When Terry And June Found Sukoon


Terry and June, the notorious two

scorned and reviled by their neighbours

husband and wife, walking trouble and strife

abhorred for their deplorable behaviour!


As they stumbled and screeched down the sanctimonious street,

embroiled in a boiling domestic:

“You’re a lousy liar! You’re a rotten two-timer!”

“Stop whining you wench! You make me sick!”

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