The Rise of Trump and Baghdadi

A New Yorker called Donald Trump
With Latinos and Muslims, he had the hump!
For him all the Latinos were a bunch of druggies
And Muslims were a national security worry.

He’d flick his quiff and pick and sniff
While screaming firebrand speeches
The Muslims angered him so much
He’d go all pink like peaches!

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Dear Young Men of Baghdadi’s fiefdom,
Is Allah pleased?
When you fire upon civilians
When you shoot cowering women in the temple
Is Allah pleased?
When you blow up your own bodies
And your limbs lie upon the limbs of a young child
Is Allah with you?
When you kidnap young women
And use and abuse them for your own lusts
Does Allah approve of you?
When you deal in oil and drugs,
When you buy your stuff from gangsters and from thugs


Dear Purveyors of Western Freedom,
When you lay waste to Arab cities,
Is this for freedom and equality?
When you ignore millions of dissenters
Is this for freedom and equality?
When you sell and manufacture chemical bombs,
Is this for freedom and equality?
When you create heaven in your lands
But sow discord and conjure hell elsewhere
Is this for freedom and equality?
When you oscillate between who is your ally and who is your terrorist
Is this for the sake of freedom and equality?

I’m A Muslim Man In Britain



I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien. Sting            


This is what I think it means to be a British Muslim today, who was born and bred in England but hailed from immigrant parents. To have an eclectic medley of voices swirling around in your brain. Living and constantly shifting between different worlds, religions, languages, cultures, traditions and voices, all competing for some kind of hold on your identity, on your spirit, your will. All this baggage, mixed-loyalties, competing face masks and fashions stuffed into a short-lived life, which, for many of us, typically consists of home, school, mosque and holidays to Pakistan and the holy lands or whichever country you hail from.

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The Old Man And His Children


The greatest trick the devil plays on man is to make him believe he is free.


Far away in the hills, there lived this big, proud old man, with his wife and many young children. This man was larger than life, extremely generous and caring to his dependants, but at times he could be cruel and tyrannical. Consequently his children would flee when rage filled him and his wife would weep when anger swelled in his eyes. This old man led his family the way he saw fit, and for many a year lived like a king of his own little world.


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The Speech

By Novid Shaid, 2011

The chairman stood upon the podium, grinning at the seated gentlemen, who sat around their tables which were arranged in their ceremonial shape, and began:

“My dear colleagues and friends! I would like to welcome you to this historic, inaugural Greedlibb conference, which I am confident will develop through the future at great progress. I as the chairman am utterly honoured to be addressing you in this opening speech, before we split into our respective groups for the strategic planning sessions.
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By Novid Shaid, May, 2011


Presenting events like a melodrama or soap

Rousing the masses against an abominable terror

Offloading opinions disguised as facts and info

Promoting a world view pervasively, drip by drip

Anchoring key words with an infamous persona

Generating a narrative against a villain so big

Alarming the populace with growing hysteria

Nurturing nationalism, dissension frowned upon

Dividing the world for a self-serving dividend

A closed group persists and prevails through media.

If The Man On The Moon Were A Mozlem

By Robert Warrenjehad  Denser and Anna Arabaiter Cooltar

If the man on the moon were a Mozlem!

Why, I sure wouldn’t be so surprised.

Coz everywhere you step in our nation

There be mosques and their holy cries!


We let them into our blessed borders,

Gave em chances that they never woulda got.

Coz they come from the land of the A Rabs!

From their sultanic satanic despots!


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